

虽然出生於渔民家庭,并在渔村长大,但对海上生活,却是有股与生俱来的抗拒感,也因此,让他失去继承捕鱼父业的本能。虽然如此,却造就了他在海产冷冻食品,以及生产与供应高级卫生冰粒领域上的成就,更成了这个新兴行业佼佼者。此外,在他的学生时代,他爱上了桌面游戏,目前继续积极支持它们,包括 https://slotogate.com/pt/table-games/keno/










不仅如此,在冰厂就职的日子里、也让他从中学习到许多有关制造、生产、 运作及行销等等宝貴技能及窍门。在鱼村长大的他,同时也对海产业充满了希望与抱负,因此进行策划,朝着早期的创业梦想迈进。随着梦想起飞、这也造就了他在海产冷冻食品,以及生产与供应高级卫生冰粒领城上的成就。









郑文新表示,期间,他经常出国考察,领悟到各个各行业的管理与营运式,以及掌握了最新科技方面的资讯,也许他自幼与身俱来的求上进心强,勇于探索与创新。在1994年机缘成熟下,他决定进军冰厂业,1999年正式注册,创设了古晋冷冻食品冰厂有限公司(KFF ICE WORKS SDN BHD),专门生产高级卫生冰粒,碎冰及冰块,供应餐馆,酒店,小販中心,渔业码头及船。在辛勤努力工作之下,其公司以诚信和秉持顾客第一的服务态度,获得顾客们的支持惠顾,冰厂业务蒸蒸日上,奠定稳固的生意基础。




其公司极其重視卫生及品质管理,郑文新也明确认识到,卫生与品质管理是食品加工业的主要关健所在,特别是欲将冷冻食品打入欧洲市场,非将品质管理抓牢不可。在其团队努力下,古晋冷冻食品有限公司不但获得马来西亚卫生局所发出的“危害分析关健控制点系统认证书”( Certificate Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System),同时,也获得欧洲联盟的认证( European Union Certificate),








他所创设的“冷藏仓库”以古晋冷冻食品後勤有限公司( KFF Logistics Sdn Bhd)名下进行管理及营运。这家冷藏仓库座落於古晋实仁甲工业区,拥有设备先进,完善的冷藏装配,为本地与国际食品业者提供冷藏仓库服务,也包括集装箱拖运,进出口等一揽子服务,成了冷冻食品业的优良典范。
















(郭良 编)



(President of Sarawak Hun Nam Siang Tng Association)

Mr Tay Boon Sin was raised in a fisherman’s family but his upbringing did not help him to overcome his fear for the sea and to succeed his father’s trade as fisherman. However, due to this unique exposure. he turned his way to supply frozen sea products and hygienic ice cubes and has successfully made a name for himself in these two fields.

Let us turn our attention to this legend who had started his business from scratch and at the moment he is holding important posts from ten associations.

Mr. Tay was born in 1948 from a simple fisherman family in Petanak area with s plain fishing village style childhood.

When we touched on his success stories, Mr. Tay cannot hold back his sorrows and regrets about those early but failed investments and landed his family in financial difficulties.  Those were bitter lessons to learn.

In fact, he did follow his father to fish in the rough sea for a week.  This 7-day terrible experience has prompted him to leave this trade and look for other more suitable avenues.

Surprisingly this short-term experience did not haunt Mr. Tay but molded him to be a thrifty. hardworking, humble, discipline and a man of integrity who loves his family.

After leaving the sea, Mr. Tay worked as an apprentice in a machinery factory and thereafter he learned the skills of motor car and motorcycle repair. He also did not give up the chance to improve himself by attending night classes.

Mr. Tay dared not dream of starting his own business; he just tried to sell and repair some motor vehicles at his free times to earn some extra income until he joined Sarawak Ice Factory in 1965. His experience in mechanical repair and maintenance works of the factory maintenance earned him the job to supervise the repair and maintenance works of the factory and to work with technicians from Singapore while they carried out their routine maintenance works.  These valuable experiences had greatly improved his knowledge and skills on the maintenance of ice factory machinery and also laid a solid foundation on the management of ice factory especially in the areas of manufacturing, production, operations and marketing.  Combining his advantages with his fishing village upbringing,  Mr. Tay successfully ventured into the business of frozen seafood and manufacturing of high-quality hygienic ice-cubes.

In 1968, Mr. Tay finally realized his dream of setting up a seafood exporting company to supply local seafood products to West Malaysia.  He bought in foreign production technology to his efforts were rewarded with remarkable increased turnover.

Mr. Tay got married in 1969 and his beloved wife has since become a capable assistant to manage his business as well as his family affairs.

Mr. Tay set up Kuching Forzen Food Sdn Bhd in 1977 to process local sea produces for exportation and thereby managed to earn his first huge capital returns.

Armed with this newly acquired wealth, Mr. Tay invested hastily into many unfamiliar fields including pineapple processing factories, fishing vessels etc.  He paid for the price of carelessness with heavy losses and indebtedness and was on the brink of bankruptcy.

however, with his excellent and trustworthy business records and personal credentials, he scrapped through this harsh period and repaid all the debts through hard works and thriftiness.

In 1987, he took the opportunity to re-start the seafood business in a more careful, mature and stable style of management.  Riding on the booming trade of Sarawak seafood industry, Mr. Tay’s company added another line of exporting processed tiger prawns to Japan and other countries.

By now, status of his company has grown leaps and bounds with many clients from overseas countries like Singapore, Japan, USA, etc.  He also re-modeled his company’s operation with stringent production criteria so as to fulfill the strict export regulations by the relevant authorities.

Mr. Tay was not satisfied with his present status and went on to acquire further knowledge by visiting different countries for better technologies and modern management.  In 1994, he ventured into ice manufacturing business and set up KFF Ice Works Sdn Bhd in 1999.  He supplies high quality hygienic ice cubes to restaurants, hotel, hawkers, fishing jetties and vessels.  His company grows tremendously with his personal integrity and good customer services.  His ice factory is the first user of high and advanced technology to produce hygienic, healthy and affordable ice products which has affected the business of traditional ice-making firms.

Mr. Tay also joint-venture with his son-in-law to set up construction business in 1996.

With his stringent instruction to maintain hygienic and quality products, his team of staffs managed to obtain the recognition from the authority and his company was awarded with this “Certified Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System” and “European Union Certification” which is a prerequisite to supply seafood products to European Union countries.

For the past decades, Kuching Frozen Food Sdn Bhd supplies quality products to both local and overseas markets and has firmly established itself as one of the top exporting companies in Sarawak.

The company has since branched into Sibu, Sir Aman and Bintulu.  Mr. Tay is also planning to set up branch in neighboring countries.

The company has also obtained ISO9001:2000 certification in 2003 and was honored to be the first Malaysian company to receive the certification of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).

Mr. Tay revealed that the ice production company has a few hundred workers taking shift to work round the clock and the one hundred ice trucks are operating from early morning till midnight to service clients throughout Sarawak.

Mr. Tay is proud to relate that his ice factory has become a model of quality control.  Officers from the relevant authorities were sent to study and learn from his factory system.

In 2008, Mr Tay set up KFF Logistics Sdn Bhd to provide warehouse services for frozen food.  This warehouse is well-equipped with modern frozen food facilities and is providing a one-stop services including containers, export and import and etc.  KFF Logistics Sdn Bhd is another role-model for the industry frozen food storage.

Mr. Tay has expressed his gratitude towards his wife and six children.  They had never forsaken him but helped and supported him during the time of difficulties.  His children had even worked part-time to relieve his financial burden.  He also thanked his wife for her effort to mold all the children into mature individuals with own and independent perspectives.  All the family members are now working hand in hand with Mr. Tay and are poised to succeed him.  This has given him more times to concentrate on charity and welfare works for the needy.

Mr. Tay is now holding many key-posts in NGOs (non-government organizations).  He is the Chairman of Sarawak Hun Nam Siang Tng Association, Supervisory Chairman of Kuching Hockien Association, Chairman of Kuching Hockien Association, Chairman of Kuching Bintawa Community Association, Vice President of the Federation of Kuching, Samarahan & Serian Division Chinese Associations, Chairman of Kuching Kang Fu Physical Culture Association, Bintawa Heng Ann Committee, Deputy Chairman of Malaysia Hockien Federation, Vice President of Kuching Division Community Associations, Advisor of Sarawak Zheng Clans Association, Life Honorary President of Kuching Heng Ann Association.  His contribution towards the society has earned him the BBS award from the Sarawak Government.

Mr. Tay never expected any reward for his charitable works and he is hoping to help more needy and urging more people from different professions to work together to make a caring society.

Last but not least, Mr. Tay thanked his family members; if not for them, he will not be what he is today.  Family unity is the best formula of success.